Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Quick Update

I just realized that I've gone 11 days without posting - the longest stretch since I started the blog. First off, Unknown Baby and the rest of the Unknown Household are doing fine.

Not surprisingly, having Unknown Baby around has been time consuming. We've done this twice before, but I was much younger then (Unknown Daughter is now eight years old, and I was 40 when he arrived). The sleep deprivation isn't nearly as bad as it was for Unknown Son (who might be upgraded on the blog to Unknown Elder Boy) and Unknown Daughter. I'm a night owl, so I've been taking the 10 p.m. and 1 p.m. feeding. This way, the Unknown wife can get some sleep (as they say down South, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"). Unfortunately, I seldom sleep past 7 or so, so I end up about an hour short of sleep every night. Not great, but livable.

I've discovered that third kids are much easier than first one, because you're not nearly as stressed out about breaking them. Here's one example: The other day, Unknown Baby managed to mess himself while I was changing him (he seems to do that often - usually with what looks like a smile - Stewie Griffin watch out). Unknown Wife wondered whether or not we should give him a bath, since he had a doctor's appointment in about an hour. I just picked him up, took him to the sink, and hosed him off with the attachment. We didn't have his little baby towel, so a dish towel worked just fine. Unknown Wife was a bit surprised at my solution, but Unknown Mother In Law and Unknown Father In Law (they're visiting for the week) just laughed. Hey - it's a guy thing.

In any event, I'm still trying to get my research out. The only difference is that a lot of the SAS programming now takes place in hours between 10 and 1 while I wait for the little guy to wake up for his feeding. Surprisingly, I get a lot done.

Ah well - enough for now. Back to SAS coding.


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