Monday, March 13, 2006

This Week's Carnival of Personal Finance

This week's Carnival of Personal Finance is up at Personal Finance Advice. As usual, there's a wide range of material up there. However, also as usual, I enjoyed some better than others. Here are my picks of the week:
A Financial Revolution asks the question How Many Stocks Are Needed To Reduce Risk? The answer is, not that many.

Tired But Happy has a horror story titled Rollover IRAs: Not as easy as you think. Since I'll be changing jobs soon, this hit home. Yeeesh!

The parents in Life In a Shoe have some interesting ideas on getting the proper financial attitudes into their kids in Kids For Hire.

When a married couple applies for a loan, do lenders use the credit score of spouse (and if so, which one) or both? Searchlight Crusade breaks it down in Joint Loans.

Dave at Pacesetter Mortgage is continuing his series on how best to finance your home improvement in The #1 Way to Finance a Home Improvement.

Nickel at Five Cent Nickel begins his summary of/commentary on a recent Reader's Digest article on new scams in Ten New Money Scams - Part 1.
That's it for now. Look around a bit after you've read these. After all, as I say every week: my tastes, needs, and background are different from yours. So, the things that don't do it for me might be just what you want or need. That's what's great about Carnivals - there's always lots to choose from.

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